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As Winter Thaws

February 27, 2015 by Chuck Beckler

The winter has come (and I pray is quickly on it's way out)! Hopefully all of you have endured well and are not suffering from frost bite or back pains from too much shoveling. I pray God has been filling your lives with the warmth of His love. His grace and peace are never ending and He loves to spill it out on His children. In the midst of the cold and ice, He is always near, melting our hearts with His loving affection. As His elect, you are the target of His intimate care. Warm yourselves in these eternal truths!

Our winter schedule has been a busy gift from God and your financial support, prayers and kind notes have kept us warm and pressing on. Thank you all so very much for your consistent faithfulness in these areas. Please continue to pray and support us as we bring the gospel to students, families and other groups around the country.

We're all very grateful for the support of the book, You'll Do Anything For The One You Love The Most. The feedback overall has been very positive. We have seen over 300 copies go to campers and staff in just a few short months! One conversation I had about the book was expressed this way, "it is a kick in the pants for the Christian reader."  I've heard everything from, "I've lauged", "cried", "contemplated" and "was challenged to deepen my commitment with Christ". We're all praying that God would use this small work for His glory and the good of the reader. Please continue to pray and perhaps think of someone you could give the book to.

Our upcoming speaking dates are keeping us around the home area.  Here is a peek at what we'll be up to:

  • Feb 28: Small Group Leader Training at EFC of Crystal Lake
  • Mar 4: iNFUZE Student Ministries at EFC of Crystal Lake
  • Mar 8: Pulpit ministry at Wonder Lake Bible Church
  • Mar 11: iNFUZE Student Ministries at EFC of Crystal Lake
  • Mar 15: Pulpit ministry at Wonder Lake Bible Church

We're excited to be home. It allows us to grab a little rest although like all of you, we still have those domestic duties. But it also gives us a chance to connect with some of you and prepare for the summer. Here are a few prayer requests we ask you to consider:

  1. The development of new material 
  2. God would give us continued health as the schedule intensifies
  3. God would add to the prayer and financial support for TD
  4. The book would get into the hands of those who need to read it
  5. Additional spring dates to fill in the holes of our schedule

Thanks again for your kindness and love! I want you to know that Linda and I pray for our TD family on a daily basis. Without your faithful partnership in the ministry of the gospel, it would not be possible to travel like we do. God uses His people to further His Kingdom and all of you are a vital part. We thank and praise Him for all of you and all you do! As the apostle Paul stated, "May the Lord make you wise in what is good and simple concerning evil." Remember spring and summer are coming and we all have much to do!  Praying God will give you wisdom to enjoy the warmth, love your families and heat up for the gospel.

Soli Deo Gloria !