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Is Gospel Addiction a Thing?

March 27, 2014 by Chuck Beckler

I've been thinking lately about addiction and where it might be present in my life. You're wondering...where is he going with this? I'm not totally sure, but I've been told that's a bit of the point with blogging, right? 

I do think we all have silent struggles with addiction somewhere in our lives. For some, maybe it's not so silent. We've all seen somebody we love battle addiction. In my days as a youth pastor, I remember a student who drank an entire case of soda every day. I've had friends who really battled Xbox addictions and it ripped their lives and marriages apart. For years I was addicted to chewing gumballs and couldn't do without the sugar. My dentist finally gave me an ultimatum: gumballs or teeth. I made my choice.

The word really sounds negative, almost ugly. Addictions range from food to games, sports, coffee,...and don't mess with a woman's chocolate. Addiction can quickly go dark and deep. They consume our thoughts, time and even our finances. I could go on and maybe I will a bit next time. But for now, let me pivot. If we were to describe a gospel addiction, what would it look like? Could we biblically justify a term like addiction when it comes to the gospel? I wonder what a world would look like occupied by gospel addicts? Let's think, consider, and stew together. Can gospel addiction be a thing?
